I was able to dramatically improve my mock exam grades for the exams which really counted, through simple steps which Fiona clearly laid out for me.”

Academic coaching is preparing students to sit exams by teaching revision skills and exam techniques.

This is an initial programme of three bespoke sessions, with support materials to learn about the process of revision and how best to prepare for upcoming exams.

This is a stand alone programme, although some students do add on further sessions and will return for coaching sessions throughout their GCSEs or A levels.

Most academic coaching students, whom we see, are preparing for exams, from Year 10 exams through to GCSE, Year 12 and A level exams, including mock exams.

Students choose academic coaching for a variety of reasons:

They want to learn how to revise effectively
They want to be able to prepare for exams
They are feeling overwhelmed or stressed with upcoming exams and want to be able to navigate their way through
They want to be able to structure their revision and organise their time better
They want to learn exam techniques that they can take with them into exams

Revision and study techniques that will work for you

Creating a revision timetable that is both workable and focused

Organisation skills including time management

Different subject requirements

Coping strategies

Exam techniques

Specialist Subject Academic Coaching

All our academic coaches have specialist subject knowledge and can offer a programme of specialist academic coaching in their subjects.

This can be required if a student is falling behind in one particular subject, needs their confidence restoring in a subject or wants to develop a particular skill i.e. French or German speaking, essay writing.

We offer specialist academic coaching in the following subjects and skills:

  • A level Physics, Geography, Philosophy and Ethics, Maths (Mechanics), Sociology, French, German and Spanish speaking
  • GCSE French, History, Geography, German, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, RE, Spanish
  • A level essay writing skills.

Aimed at GCSE students and A’level students


It requires a commitment from the student to attend three sessions in the run up to exams, plus tasks to be completed between sessions.

Number of Sessions

Three sessions with each one lasting approximately one hour.

Further sessions can be added on.

Other Requirements

A parent or guardian is required to attend some or all of the first session with the student. After that it is up to the parent or guardian whether they wish to accompany the student to their subsequent sessions. However, all correspondence is carried out through the parent or guardian. This also applies to the remote sessions.

A programme of three sessions £210. Subsequent sessions £70 each. A single bespoke session £75
“In April this year my son had lost his way a bit with his revision for his GCSEs and his predicted grades after the mocks were quite a lot lower than they had been at the start of year 11.

Fiona saw him for his first session and I sat in with them –  and suddenly a light bulb seemed to go on his
brain. She gave him options of different methods that he might try to revise and he found the Cornell method and using flashcards really helped. He went onto have 4 more sessions before his exams started.
His confidence grew and he ended up with really great results – including three 8s,  three 7s and two 6s.

We were delighted. Fiona was excellent and proved to us that finding a way to revise that suits the student is really important. Thank you Fiona and Student Navigator!” (Y11 Coaching parent)