“It has been such a relief to have Fiona mentor my daughter…I have seen her confidence grow after each mentoring session.”

This is an academic mentoring service for young people aged 14 and older, guiding them through the GCSE and A level years and onto higher education or the world of work.
The secondary academic mentoring team consist of five highly skilled professionals who have a wealth of experience of working with young people from all backgrounds and abilities both in schools and privately. We work with students with a wide range of special educational needs including ADHD, autism and dyslexia.
We see students remotely as well as face to face if they live locally. Our mentoring students come from all parts of the British Isles as well as overseas.
The academic mentoring is a highly effective way of raising attainment across all subjects and works by teaching and guiding students to become independent learners who can study effectively as well as reflectively.
Students and parents choose academic mentoring for a variety of reasons including:
They want to raise their attainment across their GCSEs or A level subjects
They want to achieve their target grades or exceed their target grades
They want to learn how to study independently
They want to learn effective revision techniques
They feel overwhelmed at school and require someone to help them to navigate their way through their studies
They want someone other than school or parents to discuss their school work with
They would like support with structuring their revision and study and help them to get the right balance at home.
They want one to one support for their child with special educational needs.

Thinking about and aiming for future goals including UCAS support if a applicable

Revision and study techniques that work for you

Organisation skills including time management

Support throughout the academic year

The various requirements and skills of different subjects in the curriculum

Exam preparation and techniques
The academic mentoring covers the following areas for different year groups:
Year 13 academic mentoring includes:
- UCAS and final pathways support
- Raising attainment
- Getting into good study habits and routines
- Revision and exam techniques
- Preparation for exams
- Academic coaching for exams
- Coping strategies
Year 12 academic mentoring includes:
- Making decisions about UCAS and final pathways
- Getting into good A level study habits and routines
- Revision and exam techniques
- Preparation for Year 12 exams
- Organisation and study skills
- Academic coaching
Year 11 academic mentoring includes:
- Raising attainment across all subjects
- Choosing A levels
- Next steps advice
- Revision and exam techniques
- Getting into good study habits and routines
- Help with organisation
Year 10 academic mentoring includes:
- Help with organisation
- Finding ways of study that work for you
- Revision and exam technique
- Getting into good study habits and routines
- Academic coaching
Years 7 to 9 we do offer academic mentoring but it is only one session per half term and is paid on a session by session basis.
It requires a commitment from the student to want to be mentored, as following the first ‘deciding’ session, the student needs to then commit to the mentoring sessions and payment is made monthly until the end of the academic year in July.
Number of Sessions
In most months there are usually two sessions of mentoring and it tends to work out at a mentoring session every two weeks. This means that in a few months of the year where there are school holidays, December and April, there is one. Often in the run up to exams in May there can be three sessions This is a bespoke service and it can vary from student to student. We aim to deliver nineteen sessions over an eleven month period and new students are given an approximate programme when they start.
As well as face to face sessions there is also support by email and phone in between sessions if and when it is required.
Other Requirements
A parent or guardian is required to attend the first session with the student. After that the student usually attends on their own, although some parents do wish to attend sessions and are very welcome to drop in from time to time. However, all correspondence is carried out through the parent or guardian. This also applies to the remote mentoring.
Cost: £95 per month (may vary depending on individual requirements)