Jan 24, 2023 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Mentoring, Mock Exams, Parenting, Revision, Study Tips
If you have a child who is sitting their GCSEs and A levels this year, it can feel as stressful for you as it is for them. Often parents can feel the pressure of exams more than their children partly because they feel helpless in the process. As parents we want ways...
May 3, 2022 | Exams, GCSE, Parenting, Revision, Study Tips
How can parents support children during their exams? GCSE students have on average twenty five exams spread over a six week period, starting in the middle of May and finishing towards the end of June. This does not take into account any coursework that needs...
Jan 28, 2022 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Mock Exams, Revision, Study Tips
Sometimes it is the basics of revision and studying that need addressing. I recently asked a parent of a student in Year 9 what she would like support with for her diligent, hard working daughter and she instantly replied with, “how to make an effective revision...
Dec 14, 2021 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Mock Exams, Revision, Study Tips
Mock exams are more important than ever. Many Year 11 students will be starting their second set of mock exams or key assessments after the Christmas holiday. It is normal for Year 11 and Year 13 students to have two sets of mock exams before the ‘real’ exams in the...
Mar 30, 2021 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Mock Exams, Revision, Study Tips
The days are getting longer, we have sunshine and warm weather and there is a two week school holiday, which follows a very long winter term. It’s the Easter holidays, which translates as two weeks of endless social possibilities if you are a teenager. Easter also...
Nov 19, 2020 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Mentoring, Mock Exams, Revision, Study Tips
Academic coaching benefits students by enabling them to achieve their full potential through the teaching of revision, study and exam techniques, that work to their strengths and learning styles. These can then be put into practice to make for effective revision and...