Feb 18, 2025 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Parenting, Revision
Spring is the school term when you often have the last vital parents’ evening before the summer exams begin. Mocks are over and schools schedule the parents’ evening as a chance to get vital messages across to parents and students. There should be an opportunity to...
Apr 11, 2024 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Revision, Study Tips
The clock is ticking, the calendar is counting down the days. Six weeks to go, five weeks to go, four weeks to go before your exams start. When are you going to start revising? Tomorrow! At the weekend! Next week! Before you know it, your exams are starting tomorrow....
Dec 19, 2023 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Mock Exams, Revision, Uncategorized
Do you have mock exams coming up in January or February? If so, we have ten reasons to revise for mock exams. Just when you think you have got to the end of a very long term and want to spend your Christmas holidays sleeping, socialising and sitting in front of the...
May 2, 2023 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Mock Exams, Study Tips
How do you possibly remember all the content required for ten GCSE subjects or three or four A level subjects? The quotes in English Literature, the key dates and events in history, the formulae in science, the key concepts in RE, the hundreds of subject specific...
Jan 24, 2023 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Mentoring, Mock Exams, Parenting, Revision, Study Tips
If you have a child who is sitting their GCSEs and A levels this year, it can feel as stressful for you as it is for them. Often parents can feel the pressure of exams more than their children partly because they feel helpless in the process. As parents we want ways...
May 3, 2022 | Exams, GCSE, Parenting, Revision, Study Tips
How can parents support children during their exams? GCSE students have on average twenty five exams spread over a six week period, starting in the middle of May and finishing towards the end of June. This does not take into account any coursework that needs...