Sep 22, 2020 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Homeschooling, Mock Exams, Revision
I have three boys returning to school running this month, two of whom, like many children, haven’t been to school since March 23rd of this year. One son, in Year 13, returned for occasional days for four weeks before the summer holidays. They are all excited to be...
Apr 27, 2020 | A Levels, Homeschooling, Mentoring, Revision
Our fifth and final part in our series looks at supporting your children with homeschooling in KS5. Let’s be honest, it isn’t an easy task to support your seventeen year old son or daughter, who is used to working independently, starting to spread their wings and...
Dec 17, 2019 | A Levels, Exams, GCSE, Mock Exams, Revision, Study Tips
Christmas is upon us! For students, two or three weeks of fun and excitement lie ahead. It is a chance to rest, celebrate with family and friends and…revise! This is especially true if you have a teenager who is sitting GCSEs or A levels in the summer, or have their...